O2 Wizard Technology Difference

We remove the oxygen and suffocate the living organism.

Bacteria and other micro-organisms including odors require three things to survive: Moisture, Oxygen and a Food Source. The food sources vary depending upon the organism or odor that is multiplying. The most common are cloth, paper, dead skin cells, food, wood, sheetrock, flooring adhesive, wallpaper paste, and other cellular materials.
The purification process that we utilize is quite unique, very simple and pennies on the dollar compared to past ways of removing mold.
There is no other process like it and that is why it's the only system 99.8% guaranteed (we have test results verifying this claim from the ABC Testing Laboratory of Florida).
First, the machine sucks in 32 cubic foot of oxygen per minute. Second, there are a series of ultraviolet lights. To truly decontaminate a structure or vehicle and all of the cellulose materials, dead skin cells, bacteria, etc. in it, it takes enormous quantities of oxygen to be exposed for an extended length of time to these lights.
This proprietary process of passing the oxygen in and around the chambers of light within the machine is patent pending. Many people have ultraviolet lights installed in their A/C system that helps reduce mold from growing on the coils, but this does not kill mold throughout rooms.
Our system works like "Pac Man" that devours oxygen within a space. Then it continues to seek out more oxygen and contaminates from outlets, ducts, fixtures, and from between walls.
Needless to say that humans and pets cannot be in space while it is being decontaminated.
The oxygen, prior to leaving the machine, is molecularly changed, thereby removing one of the three key sources of life to the organism, as all living organisms that need oxygen to thrive can't survive in this temporarily changed environment.
Unwanted odors typically derived from mold, bacteria and bodily or animal waste are neutralized. We take away the oxygen component that permanently kills off these contaminants as well as viruses and bugs. Testing is being done as well as to the usefulness to neutralize the Sulfur in Chinese sheetrock.
After the purification is completed, and the machine turned off the space reverts back to a normal environment usually within a half-hour. The only difference being that the air is the healthiest you can breathe is better than operating room clean, and fresh smelling.
We remove the oxygen and suffocate the living organism.